My Brother's 3D Modelling Workshop!

My Brother's 3D Modelling Workshop!


Today marked a special day — the launch of my brother’s very first 3D modelling workshop. He was the instructor, and it was an event filled with excitement and anticipation. The first batch of classes filled up instantly, showcasing the enthusiasm of the participants. But my brother did not stop there; he decided to open a second batch to accommodate more eager learners, and it quickly filled up too! Finally, my brother opened up another slot and he was running three workshops accommodating students from Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Australia.

To celebrate this fantastic start, my family and I gathered together for a delightful treat of pizza and a movie. It was a moment of togetherness and joy. I felt a sense of importance and value because my brother included me during the workshop introduction. Not only that, but I was also his very first student when he conducted a trial run of the workshop, and he acknowledged it! It meant the world to me. I had often felt like a little background character, but this time, I was included and actively involved. I was genuinely happy to lend a hand!

I used to believe that I was not of much use, but this experience started to change my perspective. It made me realize that I had something valuable to offer. It filled me with a deep sense of pride, and I had a strong belief that my brother’s workshop would be a tremendous success because I myself loved the trial run of the workshop very very much.

During the trial run of the 6-hour workshop, I was thoroughly impressed by my brother’s coaching and enjoyed every moment of it. However, my hopes were slightly dampened when my brother spoke to a teacher who knew me. The teacher mentioned that I might not be the typical test subject because I was different — I had a passionate and enthusiastic approach to learning, which made me the ideal student for any teacher. I was not bothered by this comment; in fact, I embraced it. I knew I was different from others, and I did not shy away from it. Instead, I used my uniqueness to my advantage, finding pride in being true to myself.

And that was what it all came down to — I believed in myself and did not let any doubts or disappointments bring me down. I held onto the worth I felt within, and it gave me the strength to persevere.

With unyielding spirit and a sprinkle of uniqueness ~ Nicodidiary


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