My Young Entrepreneur X Factor

Young Entrepreneur "X" Factor (YEX)

The YEX is generally a pitching(on the presentation side, not exactly throwing) session, to present a business idea.
There are prizes for first, second, and third places, plus runners up, including scholarships and for certain ones of them prize money.

I joined because of three reasons, firstly, my brother joined last year, and I was eager to participate, but was too young. secondly, I had decided on an idea and also really liked it, since it was related to a problem in my country and some other countries, too. and thirdly, I wanted to use the prize money to make my idea real(though it may just be enough for seed money). As for my idea, I've deciding to keep that a secret within some of my family members for now because if anyone else knows it may not have as much of the "wow effect" on/for the judges.

With determination and a sprinkle of stubbornness ~ Nicodidiary


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