Why I Wake Up Earlier Than Anyone Else In My House
Why I Wake Up Earlier Than Anyone Else In My House.
The Early Bird Catches the Adventure! Hah, you caught me! Now you discover that I would secretly wake up earlier than anyone else in my house
Most of the time, I wake up early because I cannot resist the temptation of a good book. There is something magical about getting lost in the pages before the hustle and bustle of the day begins. But sometimes, I have other reasons too!
One special reason is that I like to prepare breakfast for my brother (since my mom does not eat much, about one or two meals per day, the rest is mainly coffee). This is a way for me to take care of my family. As I tiptoe around the kitchen, the house is still and peaceful, and I cannot help but smile at my sleeping family members.
Another reason is the beautiful view from the living room. I love to sit quietly and look through the glass sliding doors of the balcony. There, I witnessed the beautiful sunrise, painting the sky with vibrant colours. It was like a breathtaking masterpiece appeared before my eyes.
Waking up early gives me a sense of solitude, a world of my own for a little while. It is a magical time when my imagination knows no bounds, and I can create anything I like in my mind's playground. But most of all, I like the long periods of peace and quiet, forming room to think.
Well, those are my main reasons for being an early bird. I apologise if it seems short, but that is all I have to share on this topic for now. Do not worry, though, because we will meet again in the next chapter for another exciting adventure!
Until then, embrace the early mornings, let your imagination soar, and may your days be filled with endless possibilities.
With love and early morning giggles ~ Nicodidiary
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