Kind Of Short Summary Why I Started Blogging

Kind Of Short Summary Why I Started Blogging

When my mom first suggested that I give blogging a try, I must admit, I was not too excited. I thought: “meh, just another assignment”. But as I started delving into the world of blogging, something magical happened—I began to love it. It turns out, my mom knew me better than I knew myself.

My passion for blogging varied depending on what I chose to write about. I discovered that when I wrote about the things I loved the most, my motivation soared, pushing me to continue. Of course, there were days when I did not feel like blogging, so I took a few breaks. But every time, without fail, I found myself returning to it. That was the essence of my blogging journey.

There are three specific reasons why I fell in love with blogging. Firstly, I adored the sensation of the keys beneath my fingertips. It felt like I was tapping into a world of possibilities with each stroke.
Secondly, I secretly yearned for a new laptop or computer, and I must say, not to brag, but some people—both online and in person—expressed their appreciation for my writing and typing skills. It was a delightful confidence boost.

Last but certainly not least, blogging became my way of expressing myself and sharing my ideas and experiences with others. It gave me a voice in a vast digital landscape, and it felt incredibly empowering.
And with that, we reach the end of this chapter. I did promise a short summary, though it might not be that short. But hey, do you get the point? I hope so! (Wait, do you?)

With boundless enthusiasm and the clickety-clack of the keyboard
~ Nicodidiary


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