Going The Extra Miles
Going The Extra Miles
Let me tell you about one of my experiences of going the extra mile.
It started with a school coursework for my Chinese/Mandarin class. Our teacher asked us to create our own zoos (not real ones, of course!). Now, I was not a big fan of handwriting or drawing by hand (and I still don’t particularly like it, I think I mentioned that before). So, at first, I thought of making excuses like “Oops, I lost my coursework" or “Sorry, my half-done drawing got thrown away, can I have more time?"
But then I remembered something. I had taken a class on 3D modelling! So, I decided to give it a try. It was challenging to get everything just right, and it took me several hours instead of the usual thirty minutes or an hour. I even worked on it a bit the next day because I needed some sleep too.
Finally, I ended up with a 3D modelled zoo(I still have the model!), featuring notes on each animal with their name in Chinese/Mandarin words and their pin-yin. Plus, since I often spoke Mandarin with my family, I was more comfortable with speaking it. When I presented my coursework, I was thrilled to receive ten marks - five for creativity and five for pronunciation. I do not mean to brag, but so far, only one of my friends and I have received full marks!
I was really happy with my achievement, and as a reward, my mom gave me the fifth Harry Potter book, “The Order of the Phoenix"! This activity taught me an important lesson - going the extra mile may require more effort, but you would always be rewarded for it. This lesson went beyond just schoolwork. It made me more enthusiastic and passionate about everything I did. It has helped me through tough times and taught me the value of hard work. Whenever I did go the extra mile, I stood out.
I want to invite you to do the same and I hope my story inspires you to go the extra mile too! Remember, all your efforts will be paid off, and who knows what amazing rewards await you. Keep shining and giving your best in everything you do!
With enthusiasm, the extra mile explorer ~ Nicodidiary
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