

Now that you get to know me a little better, I would like to invite you to step right into my world, where decision-making takes the stage every second, minute, and hour. It is like entering a bustling junction, filled with choices waiting to be made. Should I eat now? Should I get up? These decisions seem to unfold effortlessly in the realm of our subconscious.

But guess what? My mom recently taught me something incredible—I can make these decisions all by myself! It took some time to figure out the how, and yes, I still sometimes make impulsive choices and do impulsive things. But you know what? I have been growing and learning along the way. It has not been easy, but I am proud of how far I have come. I have discovered that sometimes, it is important to pause and think before making a decision. Sure, I have not been perfect, but hey, I have given it my best shot! That was why I have decided (another decision, yay!) to share some tips with you for making decisions, especially those tricky impulsive and subconscious ones!

Let me spill the beans on what has helped me navigate the decision-making maze. One of the most useful things I do is to think, think, and think again. I ask myself questions like, “is this really the right thing to do?" “Do the cons outweigh the pros?" “Is this truly what I want?" “Will this hurt anyone else?" and so on and so forth.

Another handy trick I have learned is to consider the Golden Rule. If I am tempted to seek revenge, start a fight, or annoy someone (even though I know it is wrong), I pause and put myself in their shoes. I ask myself, “How would I feel if someone did this to me?" “What did the other person do wrong?" It is like a secret code for empathy!

Let me share one of my not-so-great decisions with you. Picture this: One day, I had a craving for something sweet, and there it was, candy sitting in the kitchen. My mom was busy doing something else, so I could not resist the temptation—I snuck a candy without asking. Uh-oh, trouble was brewing! 

Later, my mom discovered my secret treat stash, and we had a heart-to-heart talk. That was when I realised my mom had actually put the candy there for me to enjoy whenever I wanted. And you know what? The reason it tasted bland was because of the sneaky way I went about it. Lesson learned: I learned that there was no joy in doing something wrong, and when you feel the need to keep it a secret, your conscience is trying to tell you it is not right.

Now, making a good decision feels downright amazing! It is like sunshine bursting through the clouds and a warm hug all rolled into one. And you know what makes it even better? When you realise that your choice has also brought benefits to others. It is like spreading happiness in the world, and that is the complete opposite of a bad decision.

Come to think of it, I must admit, I have not racked up a long list of good decisions, but I do have a few gems to share. One of the best decisions I have made (and it is quite recent) is starting to write this incredible book! It has been an exciting adventure so far, and I feel like I am making a difference by sharing my thoughts and experiences.

These decision-making stories have been quite the roller coaster, have they not? Remember, talking to yourself and asking questions is like having a chat with your own amazing subconscious. And hey, I hope these tips give you a sprinkle of guidance and inspiration along your own decision-making path!

Stay awesome, keep dreaming big ~ Nicodidiary


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